PEWAMO, MI 48873
ph: 9896400909
Antlers on this page are intended for the biggest dogs that need a fatter antler. Mastiff, Big Rotts, Great Pyrennes, Saint Bernard, Blue Ticks, Blood Hound, American Bulldogs, etc...
13" Long - The ends tend to medium to medium hard and they get harder as your dog works up the antler.
6" + + around in different parts. This one is closer to 2lbs!!
A HUGE ANTLER for the biggest chewers
IF your looking for TWO or THREE REALLY BIG ones, purchase the 5lb box and ask for poundage substitution based on the number of antlers you need.
9" Minimum length
5.5"+ around.. 1.4 lbs
I trim the rough edges around the crown. If you want the crown whole, just send me an email -
$8.50 Shipping
9" to 10" Long
Above 5" Around
Looking for LOTS of core here.
Free Shipping
8" to 9"
Medium to Hard Core
Choose a MEDIUM inner core for a funner chewing experience or for dogs that need a lot of inner core to keep their interest up.
Choose a HARD inner core for heavy chewing dogs.
If your not sure what you have.. always start with a MEDIUM inner core.
Copyright 2009 Michigan Antler Art. All rights reserved.
PEWAMO, MI 48873
ph: 9896400909